When they met the earth paused for a moment.
And without a word, she continued walking into the water, never to be seen again.
For the third night in a row, Jimmy awoke in a strange place only with a towel as company.
And with her cherub smile, she clenched the knife harder under the table.
With the setting of the sun, the freaks got ready for their church.
Harris had not taken the helmet off since 3rd grade.
After the silence, the drawing began to move on its own, painting a picture of the events to come.
Wallace would not last another winter alone.
The mountians laughed at our attempt to compete.
Chasing a lost idea, the youth still had hope.
She had just arrived in the present from thirty years ago, hoping to find company.
Beneath their smiles, they feared for their lives, they dare not disobey the horses.
Walfredo was sent to photography camp, but all he wanted to do was play in the barley fields.
Across the plains a storm was approaching.
The patriotic advertisement in the airport was ignored by most as they flocked to the fast food restaurant.
And with that, Prabaker lost his cheek on a Tuesday morning in the Bazaar.