The thunder echoed through the forrest just as she turned, causing a smile to scare itself.

Her only companion was the slight breeze that gave voice to the moonlight.

She hadn't seen the real world in months, but sat on the bed waiting to finally wake up.

Perhaps next year the strange metal man would win the bowling championship.

With a final wave to the cheering crowd, the gemmed man turned, and with a whisper of the wind disapeared into the deep woods

Little Jimmy was forgotten and never heard above the singing of the ocean.

A back to the world is sometimes a back to oneself.

Mr. Murdock was not too thrilled with the lens shooting his bad side.

She signed, as if a dream were walking by outside, just outside her reach.

Even with the rising of the desert dawn, she would not stop dancing.

Gus just came back from his voyage to the old timber company.

Walfredo sometimes wondered out of the woods and came into public view.

The answer did not sit in the edges of the sea.

Strangely the frogs stopped raining and disappeared seconds before the photo was taken.

Beyond the abandoned home, sat an abandoned town with abandoned dreams.

Pillars of hope sometimes pointed down.

She was testing the area systematically for weaknesses.

Never laugh on a Tuesday.

He was begining to become as fictional as his tshirt.

... fire was born.

Though time stood still in this place, she would not wait forever.